Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pre-Collegiate - First Weekend!

today i went to my precollegiate program. when we arrived we found out the program was already 30minutes late. when they started at first, all i heard was we blah blah blah so blah blah questions blah blah blah.we did activities that let us know each other. we moved to the right and talked with other people about what they told us to. then we play a game were we were strandd on an island and we could only bring things that started with the first letter of our name. then we played sharades. then we had to build a pyramid out of cups and we could only use a rubber band with pieces of string tied around it. we headed for the mueseum next and isaw an imax movie "dinosaurs alive"

ps mom im joking about the blah blah blah part
pps you dont have to include it

This is mom - On the way from the pre-collegiate morning events and on the way to the museum, Darren started reading "The Little Prince" to me. He really did a great job on his inflection. It was a kick to hear him read it, although he did turn to me and say "what's wrong with this author?". Haha! Same question I asked when I read it!

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